Cheery Hot Chocolate
Mumma's hot choccy! CHEERY HOT CHOCOLATE guilt free. refined sugar free. positive side effect: happy mom and koala kiddos.... Sometimes when the volume in the house starts to climb as the kiddos play starts to escalate and the to do list is feeling a little overwhelming, everyone in the house needs a nice warm drink. At least in our home it provides everyone with a bit of calm, some connection time, and something special for my little koalas. Perhaps I'm the one who needs all these things the most. Sipping the warm chocolate infused milk settled me and the smiles from the 3 and 4 year old as they discovered hot chocolate for the first time warmed my tired mummy heart.This recipe got us through dinner making time last night. Stir it up! The other great thing about this hot choc recipe is I felt good about all of us drinking it - no guilt about refined sugars, additives or just unnecessary ingredients found in "hot chocolate mixes." If you can use cocao...