
Showing posts from June, 2020

What We Do All Day- Homeschool Record Keeping: FREE DAILY TRACKING PRINTABLE

TRACKING YOUR HOMESCHOOL DAYS... As I get deeper into this adventure of homeschooling my children, one of the dilemmas and challenges I have faced has been around how to record and what to record of what we do everyday. Here in South Australia we do have some government requirements, but I am not required to show what we did every day. However, as an eclectic homeschooler and also a Montessori inspired homeschooler I felt I needed some way to keep track of the work we’ve done- both for me to keep track of where we’re up to and to have a way to prove that I am educating my children if I ever needed to defend myself (unlikely, but I feel more secure this way). Also I felt I needed a place to make observations about my children and notes about learning gaps and needs and interests. But I NEED this all together in one place. TRYING DIFFERENT METHODS First I just tried a small spiral notebook, but I found this messy and although it worked for noting my observations, didn’t have space to